RENOU, Louis

RENOU, Louis Marie Joseph. Paris 28.10.1896 — Vernon (Eure) 18.8.1966. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. School and studies in Paris. The WW I interrupted his studies and he had to spend two years as prisoner of war. After the war he continued Indology under Lévi (also Meillet, Bloch and Foucher)…

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REMY, Arthur F. J.

REMY, Arthur Frank JJoseph. Elberfeld near Wuppertal 26.6.1871 — 24.10.1954. U.S. (of German Origin) Germanist Scholar interested in Indo-Iranian. Professor in New York. Born in a Roman Catholic family in the Ruhr area, started school in Koesfeld. Father emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1880 and the family followed in 1882…

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REGNAUD, Paul. Mantoche (Haute-Saône) 19.4.1838 — Sanary-sur-Mer (Var) 18.11.1910. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon. Son of a court clerk. From 1868 studies at Paris under Bergaigne and Hauvette-Besnault. Diplom of É.P.H.É. 1873, worked as journalist. Ph.D. 1884 Paris. From 1879 maître de conférence and from 1887 the first occupant of…

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RAU, Wilhelm

RAU, Adolf Wilhelm Ludwig. Gera 15.2.1922 — Gera 29.12.1999. German Indologist. Professor in Marburg. Son of Rudolf Rau, a schoolteacher, and Johanna Seifarth, also a teacher, gymnasium in Gera. Began with Sanskrit already when 15. From 1940 studies at Leipzig under Fr. Weller, soon interrupted by service as interpreter for…

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RAMOS DE ANDRÉS, Justo. 1904 — 1965. Padre. Spanish Linguist. Ph.D. Professor of Classical languages at Madrid, also taught Sanskrit, from 1934 and still in the late 1950s. Publications: Spanish translations of Kālidāsa: Rtusamhara, o, Curso de las estaciones. 109 p. Madrid 1964 (an earlier ed. without date, 1942); Raghúvamça.…

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RABE, Carl

RABE, Carl. Breslau 1814 — 18??. German Student of Indology. Son of a farmer, educated in Breslau. Ph.D. Breslau 1845 (under Stenzler). Could he be the unnamed German student, who, according to Whitney, c. 1852 wrote a thesis on Kālidāsa’s plays and moved then to England, where Goldstücker deemed his…

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TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič

TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič. St.Petersburg 6.(18.)1893 — Leningrad 24.11.1937 (not 1943). Russian Indologist (Sanskrit and Bengali) and Tibetologist. Son of a Jewish official. Graduated 1919 from Oriental Faculty, Petrograd, student of Ščerbackoj and Vladimircov (Mongolian). In 1920-27 and 1937 taught Bengali at Institute of Living Oriental Languages and at Oriental Institute,…

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TROVANELLI, Silvio. Bologna 18?? — Bologna before 1911. Italian Legal Scholar interested in Indology. Graduated 1883 Bologna (in Law). Worked as lawyer, also Docent of Juridical Philosophy (libera docente in Filosofia del diritto) at Bologna University. In his book he used translations, for the Rāmāyaṇa Gorresio, for the Raghuvaṁśa Fauche.…

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TRAUTMANN, Felix Kurt Reinhold. Königsberg 16.1.1883 — Jena 4.10.1951. German IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Leipzig and Jena. Son of a merchant. In 1889-1900 at Gymnasium in Königsberg. In 1900 started study of exegesis at Königsberg, but in 1901 moved to Freiburg i.Br. to study modern languages. Under the…

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THORSTEINSSON, Steingrímur Bjarnason

THORSTEINSSON, Steingrímur Bjarnason. Arnarstapa, Snæfellsnesi 19.5.1831 — Reykjavik 21.8.1913. Icelandic Poet, Schoolman and Philologist. Born in a well-to-do family. Matriculated from Reykjavik Latin School in 1851, then studied at Copenhagen University, first law, but soon languages. Completed his studies in 1863, but remained in Copenhagen until 1872. From 1872 teacher…

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