MORINI, Giuseppe

MORINI, Giuseppe. 18?? — 1???. Italian interested in Sanskrit, fl. in the 1880s. One G.M. (1842–1923) was gymnasium professor in Faenza in 1873, when he published the textbook Precetti di letteratura italiana. He was a friend of Giosue Carducci. Publications: Vālmīki. Il lamento dei genitori di Jajñadatta; brano del Rāmāyaṇa…

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MONIER-WILLIAMS, Monier. Bombay 12.11.1819 — Cannes, France 11.4.1899. Sir. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford. Third son of Colonel Monier Williams (1775–1823, R.E., Surveyor-General in Bombay Presidency, 24 years in India) and Hannah Sophia Brown. Sent to England in 1822 he was educated in Chelsea and Brighton, then at King’s College…

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MOHL, Jules

MOHL, Jules (Julius von Mohl). Stuttgart 25.10.1800 — Paris 4/5.1.1876. French (German-born) Oriental Scholar in Paris. French citizen 1838. Professor of Persian at Collège de France. Son of a high civil servant in Württemberg, Benjamin Ferdinand von Mohl and Louisa Friederica Autenrieth, his brothers were Robert (1799–1875, scholar of law…

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MÖGLING, Hermann Fr.

MÖGLING, Hermann Friedrich. Brackenheim, Schwaben 29.5.1811 — Esslingen 10.5.1881. German Missionary and Indologist (Kannaḍa Scholar), 25 years in India. Born in a religious family of Swiss (Basel) origin, his father was teacher, later minister. Educated at Oehringen Lyceum (where his father taught) he obtained a thorough training in classics. At…

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MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič

MIRONOV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič. Dresden, Germany 25.9.(13.9.)1880 — Ariana, Tunisia 1936. Russian Indologist. Son of Dmitrij Gavrilovič Mironov and his wife Taisija Alekseevna. After Gymnasium in St.Petersburg in 1891-98 studies at univer­sity there in 1898-99, and in Germany: 1899-1901 at Strassburg under Hübschmann and Leumann, 1901-02 at Berlin under Geldner, Sieg…

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MINDEROVIĆ, Čedomir. Belgrad 31.10.1912 — New Delhi 16.1.1966. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Author interested in India. Lost early his parents. After difficult childhood he started literary work and political activity in the age of 17 and was often persecuted for them, but he was a convinced Marxist. In 1941 he was among…

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MILMAN, Henry Hart

MILMAN, Henry Hart. London 10.2.1791 — Sunning Hill, Berkshire 24.9.1868. Rev. British Priest and Theologian interested in Sanskrit. Son of Sir Francis Milman, Bart. (1746–1821), a physician, and Frances Hart. Educated at Eton and from 1810 at Brasenose College, Oxford. B.A. 1814, M.A. 1816. In 1816 ordained as priest. In…

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MILLER, Barbara Stoler

MILLER, Barbara Stoler. New York 8.8.1940 — New York 19.4.1993. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New York. Daughter of Sara Stoler. Educated at Great Neck High School (where Wendy Doniger was her classmate). Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University (B.A. 1962, M.A. 1964). Ph.D. 1968 at University of Pennsylvania under W.…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles. Tournai 1853 — 1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Dr. en philosophie et lettres. Docent at Liège until 1885, in 1885-1892 Professor at Gand and from 1892 at Liège. He was mainly a Greek scholar, but also interested in Indology and started the Sanskrit teaching at Liège…

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MICHALEK, Manó. Jánosi 1838 — Eger 1915. Hungarian Translator of Sanskrit Literature. In Eger, probably as teacher or librarian (1892). Publications: Translated: Nala, a Mahá-Bhárata czimű szanszkrit költemény epizódja. 15+232 p. Érsek. Lyceumi ny. 14. Eger 1886; Kálidásza, Kumáraszam­bhava, Canto 1. Eger 1893. – Unrelevant publications. Sources: Passingly mentioned by…

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