THIBAUT, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm (George Frederick Willim Thibaut). Heidelberg 20.3.1848 — Berlin-Lichterfelde 16.10.1914. German Indologist in India. Professor in Calcutta. Son of Carl Thibaut (1807–1881), the librarian of Heidelberg University, and grandson of the famous lawyer Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772–1840). After school in Heidelberg studied at Heidelberg (Holtzmann) and…

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PRATT, John H.

PRATT, John Henry. London 4.6.1809 (?) — Ghazipur 28.12.1871. Rev. British Clergyman, Astronomer and Mathematician in India. Son of Rev. Josiah Pratt and Elizabeth Jowett. After Oakham School studies at Caius College, Cambridge. B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836. From 1838 chaplain in service of E.I.C., from 1850 Archdeacon of Calcutta. Fellow…

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PLUNKET, Emmeline Mary

PLUNKET, Emmeline Mary. Dublin 1.10.1835 — 6.4.1924. British Historian of Astronomy. Daughter of John Span, the 3rd Baron Plunket (1793–1871), and Charlotte Bushe. Unmarried, living in Wimbledon. Publications: “Astronomy in the Rig Veda”, OC 12, Rome 1899, 1, 1901, 55-100. – Ancient Calendars and Constellations of the Ancient World. 16+263…

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NEUGEBAUER, Otto Eduard. Innsbruck 26.5.1899 — Princeton, N.J. 19.2.1990. Austrian Historian of Astronomy and Mathematics in the U.S.A. Son of Rudolph N., a railway engineer and collector of Oriental carpets, lost early his parents. In 1917 he left Akad. Gymnasium, Graz, to join the army and thus obtained his matriculation…

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LE GENTIL DE LA GALAISSIÈRE, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean-Baptiste. Coutances (Manche) 12.9.1725 — Paris 22.10.1792. French Astronomer and Traveller, in India 1768–71. Instead of the planned career in church, but turned to astronomy. Left for India in 1760 in order to observe the transit of Venus in 1761, but missed the occasion because…

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KERN, Hendrik

KERN, Johan Kaspar Hendrik. Poerworedjo, Bagelen, Central Java 6.4.1833 — Utrecht 4.7.1917. Dutch Indologist and Indonesian Scholar. Professor in Leiden. Son of a colonial officer, Johan Hendrik Kern (1799–1863) and Marta Corradina Schindler (1803/04–1894), came from Java to the Netherlands with his parents in the age of seven to start…

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KAYE, George Rusby

KAYE, George Rusby. Leicester 1866 — Tunbridge Wells, Kent 1.7.1929. British Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of the elder George Rusby K. and Lucy Emma Oliver. Educated at Wyggeston Grammar School in London and St. Mark’s College in Chelsea. In 188? he came to India as teacher, taught first…

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HOLTZMANN, Adolf H. (senior)

HOLTZMANN, Adolf H. (der ältere). Karlsruhe 2.5.1810 — Heidelberg 3.7.1870. German Indologist and Germanist. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Johann Michael H., a teacher (at Lyceum), and Christiane Fetzer, brother of Karl Julius H., the father of the younger —> Adolf H. From 1828 studies of theology at Halle and…

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HOISINGTON, Henry Richard

HOISINGTON, Henry Richard. Vergennes, Vermont 23.8.1801 — Centerbrook, CT 6.5.1858. U.S. Missionary and Tamil Scholar in South Asia. Son of Job H. (1762–1813), a militia officer, and Sarah Elizabeth Knabb. Studies at Williams College and Auburn Theological Seminary. Ordained priest 1831. In 1833 joined the Sri Lanka mission and was…

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JACOBI, Hermann

JACOBI, Hermann Georg. Köln 11.2.1850 (or 1.2.?) — Bonn 19.10.1937. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a steam mill owner, Friedrich Heinrich Otto J. (1803–1880) and Caroline Zeiz. Roman Catholic, educated in Köln. From 1868 studies of mathematics at Berlin, switched soon to Sanskrit and IE. Through Weber he…

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