WRIGHT, Joseph

WRIGHT, Joseph. Idle near Bradford, Yorkshire 31.10.1855 — Oxford 27.2.1930. British Linguist. Son of Dufton Wright (d. 1866), a woollen cloth weaver and quarryman, and Sarah Ann Atkinson, a modest family. Working from childhood in various odd jobs he started night-school when 15, concentrating on languages, and in 1876 went…

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SÜTTERLIN, Ludwig. Heidelberg 16.11.1863 — Freiburg i. Br. 3.4.1934. German Linguist. Son of Johann Georg S., a railway official, and Barbara Römmig.  Studies at Heidelberg (Osthoff) and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1887 Heidelberg (diss. on Germanic). In 1888-1913 worked as gymnasium teacher. PD 1890 Heidelberg, from 1896 ao. Professor für Germanistik there. In…

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SZEMERÉNYI, Oswald John Louis. London 7.9.1913 — Freiburg i. Br. 29.12.1996. Hungarian IE Scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Freiburg (i.Br.). Born in London in a Hungarian family, grew up in Hungary. Studies of Classical, Germanic and Comparative Philology at Budapest. Ph.D. 1936 Budapest, in IE. Further studies…

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SITTIG, Ernst. Berlin 1.2.1887 — Tübingen 25.12.1955. German Linguist and Classical Scholar. Professor in Tübingen. Educated in Berlin, studies at Jena, Berlin and Halle. Ph.D. 1911 Halle. In WW I served in the decipherment department of the army and in 1919-24 continued same work in Foreign Ministry. PD 1923 Berlin,…

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SCHMITT, Alfred. Rixdorf (Berlin) 1.4.1888 — Munich 1.1.1976. German IE Linguist and Historian of Weiring Systems. Born in a Herrnhutian (Moravian) family, son of Rev. Alfred Schmitt. Educated in Niesky and Liegnitz, matriculated 1907. Studied theology at Moravian Seminary in Gnadenfeld and became teacher at Niesky. Served in WW I…

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SCHMIDT, József. Vác 24.12.1868 — Budapest 1.10.1933. Hungarian Indologist. Professor in Budapest. Son of a house-painter, studied at Budapest under Mayr. In 1899-1908 worked as schoolteacher. In 1908-10 Docent and in 1910-20 Professor of comparative IE linguistics at Budapest (succeeding Mayr). In 1919 he worked in the Ministry of Education…

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SCHMIDT, Johannes

SCHMIDT, Johannes Friedrich Heinrich. Prenzlau, Brandenburg 29.7.1843 — Berlin 4.7.1901. German IE Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Orphaned (mother died 1844, father 1852) he grew up at his uncle, Gymnasium Professor K. E. A. Schmidt in Stettin, matriculated there in 1860. In 1860-62 studies of classical philology (Ritschl) at Bonn, then IE, Slavic…

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SCHMIDT, Gernot Gustav. Hamburg 29.7.1931 — 4.7.1991. German IE Scholar. Professor in Bonn. Son of Gustav Schmidt and Elisabeth Weiher. Ph.D. 1962 F.U.Berlin (under Kienle). PD 1974 Bonn. From 1980 Professor of IE Linguistics at Bonn. Married 1966 Elise Steinwender, three children. Publications: Diss. Studien zum germanischen Adverb. 393 p. B.…

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SCHLEICHER, August. Meiningen/Thüringen 1821 — Jena 6.12.1868. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor in Prague and Jena. Son of a physician, Johann Gottlieb Schleicher (1793–1864), and Henriette Heym (d. c. 1835). After school in Coburg and Hildeburghausen studied 1840-41 theology at Leipzig, then from 1841 philosophy and languages at Tübingen…

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SCHINDLER, Jochem. Amstetten, Niederösterreich 8.11.1944 — Prague 24.12.1994. Austrian IE Linguist. Studies of IE and Romance Linguistics at Vienna and Würzburg (Kronasser). Ph.D. 1972. In 1972-74 Assistant at Vienna. In 1974-76 Assistant Professor, 1976-78 Associate Professor and from 1978 Professor at Harvard, but in 1987 returned to Vienna as the…

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