PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič

PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič. Stavropol, Russian Caucasia 13.(25.)2.1880 — 2.5.1965. Russian Iranian and Caucasian Scholar, specialist of Middle Iranian Epigraphy and Numismatics. Son of an official, matriculated 1896 from Tiflis (Tbilisi). Graduated 1900 from Archaeological Institute and 1902 from St.Petersburg Technological Institute. In 1920-65 taught at Azerbaijan University and in 1920-65…

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VULLERS, Johann August

VULLERS, Johann August. Bonn 23.10.1803 — Bonn 21.1.1880. German Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of cooper and wine merchant Johann Theodor Vullers and Margarethe Pützfeld. Educated in Bonn. From 1822 studied at Bonn Catholic Theology, philosophy (Windischmann) and soon also…

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MINORSKY, Vladimir

MINORSKY, Vladimir (Vladimir Fëdorovič Minorskij). Korčeva, obl. Tver 6.12.1877 — Cambridge 25.3.1966. Russian Persian Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of Fëdor Minorskij. Educated in Moscow and in 1896-1900 studied law at Moscow, then at Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. First visit to Persia in 1902. In Russian…

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MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič

MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič. Moscow 31.10.(12.11.)1877 — Moscow 6.8.1956. Russian Scholar of Iranian History. Son of —> Vsevolod F. Miller and Evgenija Viktorovna Nasonova. After gymnasium in Moscow studied from 1895 and graduated 1899 from Juridical Faculty, Moscow, and 1903 from Lazarevskij Institut. In 1903-17 in diplomatic service in Iran, Turkey…

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MARKWART (Marquart), Josef

MARKWART, Josef (until 1922 Marquart). Reichenbach am Heuberg, Württemberg 9.12.1864 — Berlin 4/5.2.1930. German German Oriental Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Born in a Catholic peasant family, son of Anton M. (1834–1909) and Maria Magdalena Moser (1845–1909). Studies of Catholic theology at Tübingen, but soon Oriental languages (especially Arabic and Armenian),…

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MALCOLM, John. Burnfoot,Dumfriesshire 2.5.1769 — Windsor 31.5. or 30.7.1833. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Diplomat and Historian in India. Major-General. Son of George Malcolm, a tenant farmer, and Margaret Pasley, educated at Westerkirk. In 1782 (when 13) joined Indian army and arrived at Madras 1783. In 1792 under Cornwallis at…

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MACHALSKI, Frantiszek

MACHALSKI, Franciszek. Braddock near Pittsburgh 5.7.1904 — Cracow 24.1.1979. Polish Iranian Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor emigrant family in the U.S.A., they returned to Poland, when he was six. Grew up in Żołynia, near Łańcut in south-eastern Poland. From 1924 studied Polish and German, soon Sanskrti (Stasiak),…

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KIRSTE, Johann

KIRSTE, Johann Otto Ferdinand. Graz 1.10.1851 — Graz 2.5.1920. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Graz. Son of a ropemaker master Johann Martin K. in a Calvinist family originally coming from Posen, and Antoinette Hieronymus. In 1870-72 studies of classical philology and a little Sanskrit at Graz (under Schenkl). After brief periods…

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KIESSLING, Max Hermann. Neuschönefeld near Leipzig 16.9.1877 — Munich 28.3.1946. German Classical Philologist, Historical Geographer and Iranian Scholar. Son of Hermann K., an estate owner. Gymnasium and studies in Leipzig, 1899-1900 in Berlin (under W. Sieglin). Ph.D. Leipzig 1900. Worked as Sieglin’s Assistant in Berlin. In 1910 moved to Rome…

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HÜSING, Georg. Liegnitz in Prussian Silesia (now Legnica in Poland) 4.6.1869 — Vienna 1.9.1930. German Scholar of Near Eastern and Iranian history. Studies at Breslau, Berlin ( under Andreas) and Königsberg. Ph.D. 1897 Königsberg. Living in Breslau, then Habilitation at Vienna in 1912 “für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte des alten Orients”.…

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