HALLADE, Madeleine

HALLADE, Madeleine. Colombes near Paris 18.5.1891 — 30.9.1968. Mlle. French Art Historian. Educated at Lycée Racine and Cheltenham College in England. In 1919-20 studied painting at École de Beaux-Arts, worked herself as painter. In 1931-39 studies of art history at École du Louvre under Hackin and Stern (diplome 1939). From…

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HACKIN, Joseph Gaspard

HACKIN, Joseph Gaspard. Boevange-sur-Attert (Luxemburg) 8.11.1885 (or 1886?) — on sea 24.2.1941. French (born Luxemburgian) Officer and Archaeologist of Afghanistan, also interested in Tibet. Son of a coachman, the family moved to Normandy when he was one year old. French citizen 1912. Studies in Paris (including Sanskrit and Tibetan), diplomes…

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GROUSSET, René Jean François Marie. Aubais (Gard) 5.9.1885 — Paris 12.11(9?).1952. French Historian of Asia. Lost his father before birth (Louis-Xavier-René Gr. 1860–1885, historian and poet). After history studies at Montpellier moved to Paris and started Museum work. Participated in the WW I and was seriously wounded in 1915. From…

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AUBOYER, Jeannine

AUBOYER, Jeannine. Paris 6.9.1912 — Sèvres near Paris 6.2.1990. French Indologist (Art Historian). Conservator and Professor in Paris. Daughter of an auctioneer, studies in Paris mainly at É.P.H.É. (under Pelliot, Przyluski and Mus) and École du Louvre 1929-34 (Hackin, Grousset and Stern), also at Inst. de l’Art et d’Archéologie (Foucher,…

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