SCHLEGEL, Gustaaf. Oegstgeest near Leiden 30.9.1840 — Leiden 15.10.1903. Dutch Sinologist. Son of museum director Hermann Schlegel (1804–1884), a German zoologist who had moved to the Netherlands in 1827, and Cornelia Buddingh. Gymnasium in Leiden. After early studies of Chinese at hole he went in 1857 to China in order…

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MORÉCHAND, Guy. Paris 22.3.1923 — Le Chesnay (Yvelines) 24.2.2002. French Anthropologist. After WW II worked as journalist and studied ethnology and history of religions. Licencié ès lettres 1948 in Anthropology. Ph.D. 1966 Paris. From 1950 member of É.F.É.O. in Hanoi, 1957-63 in Japan, later in Paris and Pondicherry. Retired 1980.…

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MIGOT, André

MIGOT, André. Paris 28.2.1892 — Villejuif 17.2.1967. French Physician and Traveller. In WW I served as medical officer. Then physician in Paris, during holidays climbing in the Alps and Pyrenees. In 1938-39 visited Afghanistan and India. During WW II worked in occupied Paris, after war went to Indochina and…

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LE BONHEUR, Albert. Saigon 6.8.1938 — Paris 8.2.1996. French Art Historian of South and South-East Asia. Educated in Saigon, Hanoi and Paris, studied art history, Sanskrit and Tamil in Paris. Diplome of École du Louvre 1966. The conservator in Musée Guimet, from 1971 also taught at École du Louvre. Ph.D. 1978 Paris…

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KAUFFMANN, Hans Eberhard. Mannheim 1899 — Munich 1985. German Anthropologist. After WW I his parents moved to Switzerland and he lived in Zürich until 1953. In the 1930s he organized a Swiss fascist students group. He studied anthropology under Heine-Geldern at Vienna, but made his Ph.D. 1934 at Zürich. In…

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JAGOR,  Fedor

JAGOR,  Andreas Fedor. Berlin 30.11.1816 — Berlin 11.2.1900. German Anthropologist. Worked for Berlin Museum für Naturkunde. In 1859-61 travelled in India, South-East Asia and Pacific, then in 1873-76 and 1890-93 in Indonesia. A keen photographer. Publications: Ostindisches Handwerk und Gewerbe mit Rücksicht auf den europäischen Arbeitsmarkt. B. 1878. – F. Jagor (gesammelt)…

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BOISSELIER, Jean. Paris 26.8.1912 — Paris 26.2.1996. French Archaeologist, Art Historian and Buddhist Scholar. Son of the military illustrator Henri Boisselier. In the 1920s studied at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, then worked as painter and drawing teacher. In the beginning of WW II served as officer, 1940-45…

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BOELES, Jan Jetso

BOELES, Jan Jetso. Leeuwarden 1909 — 2002. Dutch Businessman, Buddhist and South-East Asian Scholar. From 1935 until his death living in Thailand, except in 1940-45, when also studied South-East Asian archaeology at Leiden under N. J. Krom (also under Kuiper). For a while director of the Siam Society Research Centre.…

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ANATRIELLO, Pasquale. 1912 — 1986. Father. Italian Missionary of P.I.M.E. and Burmese Scholar. Ph.D. Rome 1969. In 1951-60 parish priest of Loikaw in Karen area. Publications: “‘Vipassana’ un metodo di meditazione buddista”, Rivista di ascetica e mistica 1, 1966, ??-??; other articles. – Buddismo Birmano. 157 p. Napoli 1969 (a…

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ZIGMUND-CERBU, Anton. Bucharest 19.10.1923 — New York City 10.3.1964. Romanian Buddhist and South-East Asian Scholar in France and the U.S.A. Born in a family of Jewish intellectuals. Studies at Bucharest, graduated 1946. Left Romania in 1947, first to Paris. Now studies at É.P.H.É. and E.L.O.V. Worked in C.N.R.S. In 1959…

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