STOLZ, Friedrich

STOLZ, Friedrich. Hall in Tyrol 29.7.1850 — Innsbruck 13.7.1915.  Austrian IE Linguist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Joseph Stolz, a psychiatrist, and Anna Luise Rapp (d. 1857). From 1868 studied classics at Innsbruck under Jülg et al., 1871-72 at Leipzig (Curtius). From 1872 teacher in Graz. Ph.D. 1872 Graz. Then…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder (1808–1888) and Leopoldine Marie Schrenck (1817–1895), the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s…

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SCHENKL, Karl. Brünn (Brno) 11.12.1826 — Graz 20.9.1900. Austrian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of a schoolteacher and classical philologist. Studies of classics and law in 1845-49 at Vienna, then also under Curtius at Prague. Ph.D. 1849 Vienna. Worked first as schoolteacher in Prague. In 1857-64 Professor of Classical…

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WALDE, Alois

WALDE, Alois. Innsbruck 30.11.1869 — Innsbruck (N.D.B., but Wikipedia & Prabook say Königsberg) 3.10.1924. Austrian IE and Classical Scholar. Son of merchant Ludwig Walde and Anna Filz, educated in Innsbruck. In 1888-92 studies of Classics and IE at Innsbruck, 1893-94 at Leipzig (Brugmann & Leskien), Ph.D. Innsbruck 1894 (under Stolz). PD…

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JUNGE, Julius

JUNGE, Peter Julius. Bonn 30.8.1913 — 1943. German Classical and Iranian Scholar. Educated in Breslau, then studies at Vienna and Breslau, joined NSDAP 1929 when still at school. Studies at Vienna and Breslau. Ph.D. 1936 Breslau (under E. Kornemann). Still in 1936 (or 1938?) visited Iran. In 1937-40 in Berlin…

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JÜLG, Bernhard

JÜLG, Bernhard. Ringelbach bei Oberkirch, Baden 20.8.1825 — Innsbruck 14.8.1886. German Oriental and Classical Scholar in Austria. Professor in Cracow and Innsbruck. Born in a Catholic farmer family, son of Bernhard Jülg and Maria Josepha Peter (1805–1841). Gymnasium from 1839 in Offenburg, 1843-44 in Mannheim. In 1844-45 studied classical philology…

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CARTELLIERI, Wilhelm. Eger (in Bohemia, now Cheb) 23.6.1860 — Innsbruck 29.5.1908. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Paul C. (1807–1881, a noted physician and son of Italian composer in Germany Antonio Casimir C.), and Wilhelmina Kraft. From 1878 studies of Sanskrit at Vienna (soon under Bühler), for a while…

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BICKELL, Gustav Wilhelm Hugo. Kassel 7.7.1838 — Vienna 25.1.1906. German Oriental (Semitic) Scholar in Austria. Son of Johann Wilhelm B., Professor of Canonical Law. Studies of theology and philology at Marburg and Halle, Ph.D. 1862 Marburg, from the same year PD für semitische und indogermanische Sprachen there, also taught at…

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