HONKO, Lauri

HONKO, Lauri Olavi. Hanko 6.3.1932 — Turku 15.7.2002. Finnish Folklorists. Professor in Turku. Son of Svante Honko and Helmi Sofia Starck. Studies at Helsinki, Ph.D. 1959 under M. Haavio. In 1971-97 Professor of Folklore and Religious Studies at Turku, then emeritus. Married 1958 Märta Sjögren (divorce 1988), one son, and Raili…

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THESLEFF, Arthur. Viipuri (now Vyborg in Russia) 5.3.1871 — Stockholm 17.12.1920. Finnish Botanist (Mycologist) and Gipsy Scholar. Son of Colonel Fredrik Vilhelm Thesleff (1824–1893) and Olga Maria Thesleff (1830–1893). From 1890 studied botany at Helsinki. In the late 1890s fieldwork among gipsies in Finland, Sweden, Russia, Hungary and Poland. In 1906…

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RINGBOM, Lars-Ivar

RINGBOM, Lars-Ivar Edvin. Turku 23.7.1901 — Turku 21.5.1971. Finnish Art Historian interested in Iranian Mythology. Son of Lars Ivar Ringbom, a physician, and Elin Elisabeth Granit. Educated at Classic Lyceum of Turku, also art studies in Dresden. Studies at Helsinki (M.A. 1925, under J. J. Tikkanen) and Åbo Akademi (Ph.D.…

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GANANDER, Christfried

GANANDER, Christfried. Haapajärvi (Ostrobothnia) 21.11.1741 — Rantsila (Ostrobothnia) 17.2.1790. Finnish Clergyman, Folklorist and Lexicographer. Son of Rev. Thomas G. (d. 1751) and Helena Hidén. Studies at Turku (magister 1766). Ordained priest 1763. Worked as curate in Vaasa and Laihia. From 1775 until death vicar of Rantsila in Ostrobothnia. Married 1767…

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VALTONEN, Pertti. 1933 — 1999. Finnish Gipsy Scholar. Studies of Indology, etc. at Helsinki. M.A. 1964 and Lic.Phil. 1968 Helsinki (under Aalto). Then worked as elementary schoolteacher in Imatra in Eastern Finland. His planned Ph.D. dissertation about Indo-Aryan elements in Finnish Romani was never completed, but the manuscript was left…

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WALLENIUS, Ivar Ulrik. Akaa 30.1.1793 — Helsinki 23.5.1874. Finnish Orientalist (originally Arabic Scholar). Son of Rev. Johan Wallenius (1758–1829) and Anna Lovisa Favorin 1755–1798), both of old clerical families. School (from 1804) and studies (from 1811) in Turku. M.A. 1815, Docent of Arabic 1817, Associate Professor (Adjunkt) of Oriental Literature…

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WÄLIKANGAS, Eino (until 1906 Buddén). Savonlinna 11.10.1889 — Helsinki 4.3.1960. Finnish Diplomat, former Student of Indology . Son of Emil Johannes Buddén (1855–1931), a teacher, and Johanna Augusta Granit. Matriculated 1907 from Savonlinna school. Studies at Helsinki. Wrote his M.A. thesis in German philology in 1914, but planned a dissertation…

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REUTER, Julio Natanael

REUTER, Julio Natanael. Turku 7.1.1863 — Helsinki 9.1.1934. Finnish Indologist. Professor in Helsinki. Son of the school director Edvin Titus Feodor Reuter (1824–1899) and Aline Procopé (1828–1916), brother of the biologists (entomologists) Odo Morannal Reuter (1850–1913) and Enzio Rafael Reuter (1867–1951). After matriculation in 1880 from Åbo Svenska Klassiska Lyceet…

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RAMSTEDT, Gustaf John. Tammisaari 22.10.1873 — Helsinki 25.11.1950. Finnish Altaic Scholar. Son of Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt, a machineman, and Edla Matilda Holmberg. Studies of classics, Sanskrit (under Donner and Reuter) and Finno-Ugrian at Helsinki. M.A. 1898, Lic. phil. (Ph.D.) 1902 (diss. on Mari language under E. N. Setälä), Docent of…

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TAMMELIN, Erik Johan (later Erkki TAMMIO). Hämeenlinna 5.8.1861 — Helsinki 15.7.1930. Finnish Classical Scholar. Son of a carpenter, the elder E. J. T., and Maria Sulander. Matriculated from the Finnish Normal Lyceum in Hämeenlinna, studied at Helsinki University (M.A. 1886) with Latin as his main subject (under F. V. Gustafsson).…

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