ROERICH, Nicholas (Nikolai Konstantinovič Rërih)

ROERICH, Nicholas (Nikolaj Konstantinovič Rërih). St.Petersburg 9.10.1874 — Naggar, Himachal Pradesh 1.3.1948. Russian Painter, lay Archaeologist, Theosophist and Central Asian Traveller. Father of —> G. N. Roerich and Svjatoslav Roerich (Svetoslav, 1904–1993, painter in India). Studied art and law in St.Peterburg, worked as a much appreciated artist and art teacher…

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ROE, Thomas

ROE, Thomas. Low Leyton near Wanstead in Essex 1580/81 — Bath 6.11.1644. Sir. British Diplomat in India. Son of Sir Robert Rowe and Elinor Jermy, lost early his father. After early studies at Oxford (Magdalen College) he became esquire of the body to Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted by…

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ROCKHILL, William Woodville. Philadelphia, Pa. 1.4.1854 — Honolulu 8.12.1914. U.S. Diplomat, Traveller, Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Thomas Cadwalader Rockhill (1819–1871) and Dorothea Anne Woodville (1823–1913). Lost his father when 13 (but claims he died 19.2.1854) and the mother settled in Paris to avoid the Civil War. Studies…

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ROBERTSON, George Scott

ROBERTSON, George Scott. Southwark, London 22.10.1852 — London 2.1.1916. Sir. British (Scottish) Physician in India. Surgeon Major. Served and travelled in the North-West. Son of Thomas James R. and Robina Corston Scott, both of Orkney. “Educated at Westminster Hospital. Entered the Indian medical service, 1878, served in Afghan campaign, 1879-80.…

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RASMUSSEN, Harald. Haderslev 28.8.1853 — Copenhagen 25.12.1904. Danish Schoolteacher and Oriental Scholar. Son of Harald Valdemar R. (1821–1891), a minister and scholar of Danish, and Hulda Arnkiel  (1824–1874). Educated in Copenhagen. Studied theology at Copenhagen, kand.theol. 1877. From 1875 worked as schoolteacher at Forenede Kirkeskoler, from 1882 Senior Teacher, from…

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RASK, Rasmus

RASK, Rasmus Kristian (bapt. Rasmus Christian Rasch). Brændekilde near Odense 22.11.1787 — Copenhagen 14.11.1832. Danish Linguist and Traveller, also interested in Sanskrit and Old Iranian. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Niels Hansen Rasch (1749–1810), a smallholder and tailor, and Birthe Rasmusdatter (d. 1801). Educated at home and in Odense, became…

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RAMSTEDT, Gustaf John. Tammisaari 22.10.1873 — Helsinki 25.11.1950. Finnish Altaic Scholar. Son of Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt, a machineman, and Edla Matilda Holmberg. Studies of classics, Sanskrit (under Donner and Reuter) and Finno-Ugrian at Helsinki. M.A. 1898, Lic. phil. (Ph.D.) 1902 (diss. on Mari language under E. N. Setälä), Docent of…

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TURNER, Samuel

TURNER, Samuel. Gloucestershire 19.4.1759 (hardly 1749) — London 2.1.1802. British Colonial Officer in India, a Traveller and Diplomat. “Connected with Warren Hastings; entered the military service of the E.I.Co., 1780, and was Captain in 1799. Was sent by Warren Hastings on an embassy to Tibet, from Jan. 1783 to March…

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TREBECK, George. Middlesex 1800 — Shah Merdon, Afghanistan 30.8.1825. British Traveller in Central Asia. Son of Charles Trebeck. In 1815 arrived at Calcutta with his father and brother, trained as a solicitor. In 1819 became Moorcroft’s assistant in his travels in Kashmir and Afghanistan. Died a few days after Moorcroft.…

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THÉVENOT, Jean de. Paris 16.6.1633 — Mianeh (Miana), Persia 28.11.1667. French Traveller in Persia and India. Nephew of the travel writer Melchisédek Thévenot (1620–1692), librarian and Oriental scholar. Educated at Collège de Navarre, studies at Paris. With paternal inheritance made first several travels in Europe (1652-55), Levant (1655-59) and Persia…

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