JACOBI, Hermann

JACOBI, Hermann Georg. Köln 11.2.1850 (or 1.2.?) — Bonn 19.10.1937. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a steam mill owner, Friedrich Heinrich Otto J. (1803–1880) and Caroline Zeiz. Roman Catholic, educated in Köln. From 1868 studies of mathematics at Berlin, switched soon to Sanskrit and IE. Through Weber he…

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IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič

IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič. Gdov 8(20).3.1863 — 25.1.(7.2.)1903. Russian Sinologist, Mongolian and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Born in the old nobility of Herson governement, educated in St.Petersburg. From 1881 studies of Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan at Oriental Faculty of St.Petersburg University. Student of Vasil’ev, also listened to Pozdneev, Minaev,…

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IRWIN, John Conran. Madras 5.8.1917 — 23.2.1997. British Art Historian of India. Son of John Williamson Irwin, a coffee planter, and Ruth Leefe Robinson, soon came to England with father’s retirement and grew up in Devon and London. Worked as journalist and theatre critic. From 1939 in the army, in…

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IRELAND, John D. North London 1932 — 29.10.1998. English Bauddha. Adopted Buddhism when 18 (after reading Chr. Humphrey’s book) and began learning Pāli. Publications: Translated: Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology. 52 p. 1981; The Discourse Collection: Selected Texts from the Sutta Nipata. 23 p. 1983; The Udāna. Kandy 1990; Vangisa: An…

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IMPEY, Elijah

IMPEY, Elijah George Halhed. Cawnpore (Kanpur) 21.9.1818 — Southampton 19.11.1868. British Physician in India. Son of Elijah Impey (1781–1821, from Ireland, not the famous judge in India Sir E.I. [1732–1809], but probably related) and Marian Bunn. Dr.med. From 1840 in Bombay Medical Service. Surgeon-Major of Bombay Horse Artillery, in 1856-68…

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HARLEZ, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de

HARLEZ DE DEULIN, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de. Huy/Liège 21.8.1832 — Louvain (Leuven) 14.7.1899. Belgian Oriental, especially Iranian scholar. Professor in Louvain. Son of Conrad-Lambert de H. (1784–1858) and Marie-Antoinette de Reul de Bonneville (1798–1855), of local nobility of Liège. Concluded law studies at Liège in 1858. Also attended a seminary and…

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HARE, Edward Miles

HARE, Edward Miles. Leicester 4.3.1893 — Oldham, Hampshire 26.10.1955. British Pāli Scholar in Sri Lanka. Son of Charles Edward Hare and Agnes Pruen. Educated at Stamford School in Lincolnshire, where F. L. Woodward was his teacher and introduced him into Pāli. Served in WW I as Lieutenant. In 1918-50 tea…

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HARDY, R. Spence

HARDY, Robert Spence. Preston, Lancashire 1.7.1803 — Headingley near Leeds 16.4.1868. Rev. British Methodist Missionary in Sri Lanka. Son of John Hardy and Ann Spence. From 1819 printer in York, in 1825 ordained as Wesleyan minister and left for the first time as missionary to Ceylon where he worked three…

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HARDY, Edmund

HARDY, Edmund Georg Nicolaus. Mainz 9.7.1852 — Bonn 10.10.1904. German Catholic Priest and Indologist. Son of pharmacist Edmund H. (1816–1878) and Ottilie Moufang (1818–1852), school in Mainz. After studies at Mainz Catholic Episcopal Seminar in 1871-75 he was ordained priest 19.1.1875. In 1875-85 chaplain of Heppenheim an der Bergstrasse in…

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HANSEN, Olaf. St.Petersburg 11.4.1902 — Kiel 10.1.1969. German Indo-Iranian, especially Middle Iranian Scholar. Professor in Berlin (West). Son of Gottlieb Olaf Albert Hansen, librarian of Imperial Academy, and Marie Rödder. In 1917 the family escaped to Baltic states and 1919 to Hamburg. Studied at Hamburg. Ph.D. there 1927 under Reichelt.…

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