SCHOLBERG, Henry Caesar

SCHOLBERG, Henry Caesar. Rushford, Minnesota 11.10.1879 — Daytona Beach, Florida 2.10.1969. Rev. U.S. Methodist Missionary and Hindi Scholar. Born in a modest family of Norwegian immigrants, son of Ole Peter Scholberg and Maren Christine Johnsen. Studies at Methodist Hamline University in St.Paul. Arrived with his wife in India in 1906,…

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SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich

SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich (Schwarz, in India also called Swartz). Sonnenburg, Prussia (now Slońsk in Poland) 22.10.1726 (or 8.10. or 26.10.) — Tanjore (Tañcāvūr) 13.2.1798. German Missionary in India. Son of Georg Schwartz, a baker master, and Margaret Gruner, lost early his mother. Educated in Sonnenburg and Küstrin, then studies at…

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SCHULTZE, Benjamin

SCHULTZE, Benjamin. Sonnenburg (now Słonsk in Poland) 1689 — 25.11.1760. German Missionary and Precursor of Indology. In India 1719-43. From Sonnenburg in Neumark. After studies of Theology at Halle (from 1711) he joined the Lutheran Trankebar Mission in 1719 and participated in the conclusion of Ziegenbalg’s Tamil Bible. Ordained priest…

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SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Wolfgang Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius Schubring, a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and…

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STASIAK, Stefan Bołeslaw. Warsaw 22.2.1884 — London 9.2.1962. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraina). Son of Adam Stasiak and Waleria Tuchowska. Studies of Philosophy, then of Indology at Vienna (under L. von Schroeder), Munich (Simon), Zürich (Kaegi) and Paris. Ph.D. with a dissertation on the unicorn legend.…

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SUNESON, Carl Ivar. Stockholm 18.10.1941 — Stockholm 2.1.1995. Swedish Indologist. Son of Ivar Suneson (1887–1952) and Vilma Ek (1911–2002). Grew up in Stockholm. From 1960 studies of Indology under Lienhard at Stockholm University, in 1965-66 under V. Raghavan in Madras. Cand.phil. 1964, Lic.phil. 1966 Stockholm. Became blind in the late…

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SPRENGER, Aloys. Nassereith, Tyrol 3.9.1813 — Heidelberg 19.12.1893. Austrian Oriental Scholar, in India 1842-56. then Professor in Bern. Son of a customs officer, Christoph Sprenger and Therese Dietrich, gymnasium in Innsbruck. Studied from 1782 medicine and Oriental languages at Vienna, then from 1836 in London. British citizen 1838. Dr.Med. 1840…

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SPIES, Otto. Bad Kreuznach 5.4.1901 — Bonn 29.10.1981. German Semitist (Turkish and Arabic Scholar) also interested in Hindi. Professor in Bonn. Studies of Oriental languages (Ph.D. 1923 under E. Littmann) and law (Dr. juris 1924) at Bonn and Tübingen, then Assistant at Bonn under P. Kahle in 1925-32. PD 1927…

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SOTNIKOV, Mihail Nikolaevič

SOTNIKOV, Mihail Nikolaevič. 1??? — 19??. Russian Indologist, Specialist of Hindi Grammar. In the 1930s Docent of Indology at Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut imeni A. S. Enukidze. Later moved to Moscow and was 1954-56 Head of Department of Indian Linguistics at Moscow Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and 1956-65 at Institute of…

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SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz

SONTHEIMER, Günther-Dietz. Ulm 21.4.1934 — Dossenheim bei Heidelberg 2.6.1992. German Indologist, Specialist of Law, Popular Religion and Marathi. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of Dr. Walther S. (1890–1984), a teacher and schooldirector, and Herma Dietz. During the war living in mother’s home area, in the former Prussian Posen (Poznań). In 1945-53…

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