PROCHÁZKA, Václav. 18?? — 19??. Czechoslovakian Theosophist. Publications: Translated from Hartmann’s German version: Bhagavad-Gita čili vznešena piseň o nesmrtelnosti. 100 p. Prague 1900. Sources: Google only knows the footballer V.Pr.

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POUCHA, Pavel. Vienna 29.12.1905 — Prague 15.1.1986. Czech Indo-Iranian, Mongolian and Tocharian Scholar. Son of tailot František Poucha. After early years in Vienna, where his parents lived for a while, he came in the age of seven to Neuhaus (now Jindřichův Hradec in Southern Bohemia) and attended classical gymnasium there.…

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POŘÍZKA, Vincenc

POŘÍZKA, Vincenc. Drahany na Morave 9.11.1905 — Prague 22.8.1982. Czech Indologist (Scholar of Hindi/Urdu). Professor in Prague. Born in Central Moravian mountain area, educated in Kroměříž. He studied Catholic theology at Olomouc. Ordained, Theol.Dr. From 1938 studies of Indology at Prague (under Pertold and Lesný). From 1942 taught Hindustani at…

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PERTOLD, Otakar. Jaroměř, Hradec Králové 21.3.1884 — Prague 3.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Indologist and Anthropologist. Professor in Prague. Born in Northern Bohemia as son of a chemist and owner of a sugar factory. Educated in Slany 1894-1902, then studies of classical philology, philosophy, Oriental languages (under Zubatý et al.) and astronomy at…

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VOTÝPKA, Bedřich

VOTÝPKA, Bedřich. Neveklov 28.2.1865 — Mirotice u Písku 28.6.1940. Czech Teacher interested in Indology. Studies of philosophy, classics and Sanskrit (Zubatý) at Prague Czech University in 1885-92. Worked as gymnasium professor in Benešov near Prague, but also kept his interest in Sanskrit. Publications: “Rg-véda X 85. Překlad a výklad”, České…

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VANÍČEK, Alois. Prague 21.6.1825 — Prague 9.5.1883. Czech IE Scholar. Son of a teacher. After school in Prague, in 1843-47 studies of law, but soon also Classics at Prague. In the early 1850s, under Curtius and Schleicher, also learned Sanskrit and IE linguistics. Worked as gymnasium professor in various towns,…

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NEBESKY-WOJKOWITZ, René Mario von. Velké Hoštice (Gross Hochschütz) Moravia 29.6.1923 — Vienna 9.7.1959. Czech Anthropologist and Tibetologist in Austria. Son of Gottlieb N. von W., an officer of Czech army, and Emmy Lorenz. After school in Olomouc and gymnasium in Litoměřice (Leitmeritz) studied at Prague, Berlin and Vienna (Bleichsteiner) Tibetan,…

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MACHEK, Václav

MACHEK, Václav. Úhlejov, okr. Jičín/Neupaka 8.11.1894 — Brno 26.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Slavic, Vedic and IE Scholar. Professor in Brno. From 1914 studied at Prague Slavic, Baltic, Latin, IE and Sanskrit (under Zubatý). After interruption caused by WW I Ph.D. there 1921. In 1921-24 librarian of Slovakian Library in Paris, also further…

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LIBÁŃSKÝ, Jaroslav

LIBÁŃSKÝ, Jaroslav. 1??? — 1???. Czech Translator. Publications: Translated: Nal a Damajanti. Báje Indická. 18+106 p. Olomouc 1875. Sources: Neither in Biogr. Lex. z. Gesch. der böhm. Länder nor Ö.B.L.; Google knows only the book, except one brief mention in Czech about a J.L. living in 1902.

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LESNÝ, Vincenz

LESNÝ, Vincenc. Komárovice (Moravia) 3.4.1882 — Prague 9.4.1953. Czech Indologist. Professor in Prague. Born in a poor family, son of Baltazar Lesný and Victorie Sujerlova. After school first in a naval academy at Pula, from 1903 studies at Prague, of classical philology, IE and Indology (Zubatý and Winternitz). Ph.D. 1907/08…

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