GREY, Leslie

GREY, Leslie. 1916 — ????. M.D. Oxford. A psychiatrist and Professor in Denver, Colorado. M.D. He had served as Medical Attaché to U.S. Embassies in New Delhi and Kabul. One L.G. (M.D.) died in Denver in January 2004. Publications: A concordance of Buddhist birth stories. 43+268 p. Oxford 1990, 2nd…

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WILSER, Ludwig

WILSER, Ludwig. Karlsruhe 5.10.1850 — 19.11.1923. German Physician and Racist Theoretician. Gymnasium in Karlsruhe, medical studies at in Freiburg, Heidelberg and Leipzig. Dr.Med. Then practising physician in Karlsruhe until 1897, when he moved to Heidelberg and lived there as private scholar. He was interested in craniometry and had relations both…

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SHORTT, John. 26.2.1822 — Yerkaud 24.4.1889.  British Physician in India. Trained as apothecary at Madras Medical School until 1846. In 1850 he went to Scotland for further studies and became both M.D. and veterinary. In 1854 returned to Madras and worked as Assistant Surgeon, full Surgeon 1866. Retired 1878 as…

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SCHMIDT, Emil Ludwig. Obereichstätt 7.4.1837 — Jena 22.10.1906. German Ethnologist. Son of engineer Johann Georg Schmidt and Katharina Mariane Jakobine Metzler. From 1857 studied medicine at Jena, Leipzig and Bonn. M.D. 1861 Berlin. Worked as physician in Essen. Interested in anthropology he visited North America and Egypt. PD 1885 Leipzig, from…

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PENNELL, Theodore Leighton

PENNELL, Theodore Leighton. Clifton, Bristol 7.10.1867 — Bannu (now in Pakistan) 23.12.1912. British Missionary Physician in India. Lost early his father, educated at Eastbourne College. M.D. 1891. Sent by C.M.S. arrived at Karachi in 1892, accompanied by his mother (d. 1908), and 1893 moved to Bannu near Afghanistan border. Married…

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MOSZKOWSKI, Max. Breslau 12.8.1873 — Rio de Janeiro 1939. German Physician, Anthropologist and Collector. M.D. 1899 Breslau. In 1907 in Ceylon, Sumatra and western New Guinea, collected botanical and zoological specimens, measured skulls and studied tropical diseases. Worked as physician in Berlin. Publications: “Among the last Vẹddas”, JRAS-CB21:61, 1908, 59-68. –…

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MIGOT, André

MIGOT, André. Paris 28.2.1892 — Villejuif 17.2.1967. French Physician and Traveller. In WW I served as medical officer. Then physician in Paris. In 1938-39 visited Afghanistan and India. During WW II worked in occupied Paris, after war went to Indochina and in 1947-48 visited Eastern Tibet and China, but…

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MAXWELL, William Graham

MAXWELL, William Graham. Canonbie, Dumfriesshire 10.7.1803 — after 1858.British Physician in India. Son of George M. and Anne (or Anna) Bell. M.D. 1825 Edinburgh. In Madras medical service, worked in Gumsūr. From 1841 in China. Publications: “Cursory Notes on Wodiahghur and the adjacent part of Goomsoor, and on the People of…

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LIACRE DE SAINT-FIRMIN, Julie. 18?? — 19??. French Physician (M.D.) interested in Indian Tradition. The reviewer of RHR deems her book as unripe, it contains errors and many important sources are missing. Publications: Médecine et légendes bouddhiques de l’Inde. 120 p. P. 1916. Sources: No hints about her person found.

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LAUFER, Heinrich

LAUFER, Heinrich. Köln 2.2.1877 — 10.7.1935. German Physician. Son of Max L. (of Jewish background) and Eugenie Schlesinger, brother of —> Berthold L. Worked many years on Cairo, Egypt. Married Margarete. For his small study of Tibetan medicine he collected material from travel books. Publications: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Tibetischen Medicin.…

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