WRIGHT, H. Nelson

WRIGHT, Henry Nelson. Mainput, Uttar Pradesh 29.10.1869 — England 13.5.1941. British Civil Servant and Numismatist In India, concentrating on Muslim coins. Son of Francis Nelson Wright of I.C.S., educated at Eton. Studied two years classics at Oxford (Corpus Christi College). In 1890 sailed to India, first post in Meerut. From…

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VAUX, William Sandys Wright

VAUX, William Sandys Wright. Oxford 28.2.1818 — Chelsea, London 21.6.1885. British Numismatist and Antiquarian. Son of Rev. William Vaux and Mary Hawkins, educated at Westminster School and graduated B.A. from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1840 (M.A. 1842). From 1841 worked in British Museum, in 1861–70 as Keeper of Coins and…

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TIHONOV, Dmitrij Ivanovič

TIHONOV, Dmitrij Ivanovič. Rossija-Molotovo, gub. Tobolsk (now Vargašinskij raion, obl. Kurgansk) 18.(31.)10.1906 — Leningrad 27.1.1987. Russian Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Son of a farmer. Graduated 1936 from Leningrad. Kand. ist. nauk 1941, Dr. ist. n. 1968. In 1936-61 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute in Leningrad (1943 staršij n. sotr.),…

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THORNTON, Thomas Henry

THORNTON, Thomas Henry. London (?) 1832 (or 13.11.1831?) — Bath 10.3.1913. British Civil Servant in India. Son of a Times journalist, Thomas Thornton, and his wife Elizabeth. Educated at Merchant Taylor’s School, studies at Oxford (St.John’s College, 1855 its Fellow). In 1855 entered I.C.S. as one of the first “competition-wallahs”.…

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THORNER, Daniel. New York 1915 — Paris 18.6.1974. U.S. Economist and Historian of South Asian Economy, in India and France. Educated New York City College. Studies of history at Columbia, during war served in the Office of Strategic Services. At the end of WW II to India to complete his…

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SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna

SMIRNOVA, Ol’ga Ivanovna. Petergof (Petrodvorec) 14.(27.)6.1910 — 13.1. 1982. Russian Central Asian (Sogdian) Scholar and Historian. Daughter of an officer. Graduated 1934 from Leningrad as student of Frejman. Kand. filol. nauk 1945. Employed in 1934-35 in Numismatic Department of Hermitage, then 1935–82 naučnyj sotrudnik (1948 staršij n. s.) at Oriental…

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PEREIRA, António Pinto

PEREIRA, António Pinto. 15?? — 1587. S.J. Portuguese Historian of India. From Mogadour, Bragança. Apparently secretary of an officer in Goa. His work, dealing with the contemporary history of Portuguese in India, was published only posthumously. Publications: História da Índia no tempo em que a Governou o Visorei Dom Luís…

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NEWTON, Henry. Shrewsbury 17.6.1822 — London 20.3.1900. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Henry N., a wharfinger, and his wife Catherine. Educated in Shrewsbury and at Haileybury. In Bombay Civil Service 1844-71. Justice at Bombay High Court 1862-71. President of the Bombay Branch of R.A.S. 1864-68. Amateur photographer. Married…

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MORLEY, William Hook

MORLEY, William Hook. 1815 — London 21.5.1860. British Oriental Scholar. Son of George M., a lawyer. “Educated for the legal profession, called to the bar in 1840. A notable Oriental scholar, well versed in Arabic and Persian literature. Member of the R.A.S. from 1847, Librarian to the Society from 1859.”…

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MALLESON, George Bruce

MALLESON, George Bruce. Wimbledon 8.5.1825 — Kensington, London 1.3.1898. British Colonial Officer in India. Colonel. Son of John M. and Lucy Nesbitt. “Educated at Wimbledon and Winchester; joined the Bengal Native Infantry in 1844. In the second Burmese war of 1852-3, in the Commissariat Department until 1856… Sanitary Commissioner in…

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