KIENLE, Richard von

KIENLE, Richard Karl Heinrich von. Tiengen/Waldshut, Oberrhein 9.2.1908 — Berlin (West) 18.5.1985. German IE Linguist. Professor in Berlin (West). PD 1934 at Heidelberg (under Güntert, then his Assistant). PD 1934 at Heidelberg, from 1940 nebenbeamt. ao. Professor there. From 1941-46 Professor at Hamburg, but in 1942-45 in army. After war worked as…

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KIECKERS, Ernst. Barmen (now part of Wuppertal) 27.9.1882 — Munich 5.8.1938. German IE Linguist in Estonia. Professor in Tartu. Son of Ernst K., owner of a dyehouse, and Mathilde Kramer. After gymnasium in Barmen studies of IE linguistics in 1901-07 at Bonn, Munich and Marburg. Ph.D. 1907 Marburg, then further…

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KERNS, J. Alexander

KERNS, James Alexander. Mason, Ingham County, Mich. 17.1.1894 — Richmond, NY ?.10.1975. U.S. IE Scholar. Son of James Kerns and Ida M. Barnes. After Mason High School studied at Michigan State Normal College (1913) and University of Michigan (A.B. 1916, A.M. 1917). In 1921-29 Instructor at Whitman College, 1929-37 Member…

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KENT, Roland G.

KENT, Roland Grubb. Wilmington, Del. 24.2.1877 — Bryn Mawr, Pa. 27.6.1952. U.S. Latin, IE and Iranian scholar. Professor in Philadelphia. Son of Lindley Coates Kent, a lumber merchant, and Anna Grubb. Educated at Swarthmore College. A.B. 1895, B.Litt. 1896, A.M. 1898. Further studies in 1899-1900 at Berlin, 1900 at Munich,…

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KELLER, Otto Heinrich Wilhelm. Eberstadt near Darmstadt 9.9.1879 — Büdingen, Hessen 2.6.1947. German Teacher and former Student of IE Linguistics. Son of August Friedrich Keller, a factory owner, and Johanna Möllinger. After gymnasium in Darmstadt studies at Freiburg and Giessen. Ph.D. 1904 Giessen (under Bartholomae, whom he also helped with…

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KAPPUS, Carl. Frankfurt a. M. 6.3.1879 — Berlin (West) 17.5.1951. German Teacher and former Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Heinrich Hector K., a bank employee. After gymnasium in Frankfurt from 1898 studies of French and classics at Marburg (1899-1900 at Berlin), soon also comparative linguistics. Ph.D. 1903 Marburg (under…

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HUTH, Otto

HUTH, Otto. Bonn 9.5.1906 — Tübingen 1998. German Scholar of Religion. Professor in Tübingen. Son of a neuropathologist. Educated in Bonn. From 1925 studied theology at Bonn, Kiel and Marburg. Ph.D. 1932 Bonn (under C. Clemen in comparative religion). Joined the NSDAP in 1928. In 1935 met Hermann Wirth, collaborated…

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HUJER, Oldřich

HUJER, Oldřich. Paceřice, Liberec region 25.11.1880 — Prague 4.6.1942. Czech IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Prague. Son of Jan Hujer and Joseph Kovářova. Student of Zubatý at Prague, Ph.D. 1910. Also studied at Leipzig under Leskien. PD 1911 Prague, 1919 ao, Professor and then succeeded Zubatý as the ord.…

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HÜBSCHMANN, Johann Heinrich. Erfurt 1.7.1848 — Strassburg 20.1.1908. German Indo-Iranist. Professor in Strassburg. Son of Ernst H. (d. 1854), a mill owner, and Martha Cramer. After gymnasium in Erfurt, studies at Jena, Tübingen, Leipzig anf Munich. Ph.D. 1872 Munich. In 1874 in Venice learning more Armenian from Mechitarists. From 1875…

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HROZNÝ, Bedřich

HROZNÝ, Bedřich (Friedrich Hr.). Lissa (now Lysá nad Labem) 6.5.1879 — Prague 12.12.1952. Czech Orientalist (Assyriologist and Hittite Scholar), attempted at Decipherment of Indus Script. Professor in Prague. Son of Václav Hr. (d. 1896), a Lutheran priest, and Anna Šimáčková. Educated in Prague and Köln (Kolín), now learnt Hebrew and…

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